Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas Craziness

Keeping up with everything this time of year is HECTIC. There's shopping, there's football, basketball, AND wrestling, there's students ready for Christmas Break by Dec 1st, and the list goes on and on....

BUT, that doesn't mean we can be too busy for a little holiday magic!  I don't think that all of the festive fun should be kept in the lower grades.  I like to have my high school students complete holiday activities and they ALWAYS appreciate and love it.  Next week is our last week before Christmas break so I'm combining holiday cheer with literary analysis. What could be better? ;)

Here's what's included in my TPT Christmas Bundle!

1. Reindeer Resume: This is one of my favorites! Students have to fill out a resume to be Santa's newest reindeer. Then, they must write a persuasive letter to Ms. Claus using at least two rhetorical devices.  At the end, they re-write, "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer" to create a song about their reindeer self. The students always get REALLY into this.

2. "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" Poetry Analysis: This activity combines the poem, "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens with an activity where students have to build a snowman using analytical skills.  This poem is NOT group of honors children struggled with this.  It's a great poem to use when teaching perspective, figurative language, and point of view. 

3. "Decorate and Celerate the Story" Short Story Analysis:  This comes with two options, an EOC prep version, OR a read, analyze, create version where students make a Christmas Tree decorated with literary elements from the story! 

4. The Grinch film + book analysis: Students read the original story + watch the film and compare/contrast the two.  They also have to consider symbolism, theme, motifs, and more!

5. Short Film Analysis: Students are provided a link to a short film that depicts the Christmas spirit! They must think critically and focus on elements such as foreshadowing, irony, mood, tone, etc.  This would also be a great activity to use as an intro to, "The Gift of the Magi".

6. Poetry Task: Students read + annotate a sonnet called, "Snowflake".  Then, they move on to a graphic organizer that requires them to combine what they've learned about poetry with a little creativity!

7. Two Extra Credit Options: I always give my students a small extra credit project to take home over winter break.  It's also a nice way to make sure they aren't slacking, but still preparing for that big scary exam they'll "enjoy" whenever they return to school. It's a good way to trick them into reviewing! One of the projects even requires that they watch Netflix...who doesn't love that!?

8. Trim the Tree with Terminology: Students are required to look back at the stories, poems, or novels they've read over the semester.  They choose a symbol, motif, or object that is central to the theme of the work as a whole.  Then, they create an ornament + a writing task about their ornament. 

9. Winter Writing Prompts!  Students are asked to pick one task from each column - Poetry, Nonfiction, and Creative Writing.  An outline for article analysis is also included to help students make the process a little easier.

This weekend, you can get the bundle for 10% off! :)  Click HERE

Merry Christmas, Ya'll!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I am seriously so thankful for my job. Every day, the first thing I do when I open my eyes, is thank God that I've been trusted with such a huge responsibility and that I'm continually shown such undeserving unconditional love.  My first year teaching, I started a project that I've continued every year since and I'll never stop doing.  

I asked my kids to participate in "Project Edification" the week of Thanksgiving.  I spend time talking to my children about all of the ways in which their teachers and principals care for them and unselfishly sacrifice for them.  Many students don't take the time to think about the ways the adults or "authority figures" in their lives truly have their best interest at heart and go above and beyond for them - often silently and behind-the-scenes.  

We spend some time talking about how to write thank you notes.  I truly believe that this is a lost art!  We tend to send a quick "thanks" text, or just make a phone call, yet we often fail to truly spend time appreciating the person who made us feel special.  

I provide my students with blank paper, crayons, and a sample Thank You note.  I also provide them a list of teacher and principal names to promote correct spelling.  They are each required to write one thank you note - but ALL of them always write 3-4.  They fold their notes and give them to me.  I take them all and deliver them to the appropriate teacher mailbox in the office.  I think this is a great way for my students to reflect on all the people who love them, AND it's a great way for teachers to truly feel loved and appreciated.  

I put together a quick thank you note guide + a color by literary element activity - when finished it's an owl dressed up like a Thanksgiving Turkey - and added the package to my TPT store.  You can check it out here:  CLICK HERE!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Public Speaking and Persuasive Speeches

My freshmen have been working hard this past week! Since they have developed a new found love for arguing (about everything, with everyone...SAVE ME), I decided that it was time to teach them about the power of words.  :)  

We took notes about persuasive techniques and I taught them how speakers try to T.R.A.P their listeners.  We even made a cute foldable to explain the process! It looked something like this - 

I told them to always analyze
T - Technique
R - Result
A - Audience
P - Purpose

Next, I chose several different famous persuasive speeches, along with a few from movies that I knew they would be familiar with: Rocky speeches, Friday Night Lights speeches, etc. We color coded speeches and looked for particular devices/techniques used by the speaker. 

We went over this process several times, then I told them it was their turn to create their very own persuasive speech.  Some of them were THRILLED and others were slightly less than thrilled (there might have even been a few tears shed). 

I gave them a specific speech planning sheet that walked them through each step:
 The good news is that they ALL worked hard and completed this assignment.  To make it even more challenging, I told them they had a 2 minute time limit.  They had to introduce a claim, present a counterclaim, convince me to be on their side, and wrap everything up in less than 120 seconds.  

We spent the majority of the week practicing.  I let them practice in small groups first - to get rid of some of the stage fright.  On Friday, I had all 35 of my students present quick, two minute persuasive speeches.  After every speech, I went around the room and the students had to tell me which techniques the speaker used and what they did well.  

I WAS THRILLED WITH THE RESULT! All of my students were engaged with the lesson, and one student even talked me into letting the students use their cell phones for a project!  They really had to work hard to combine all of the elements, AND complete a daunting task: public speaking!  
At the end of the class period, several of my students even asked if we could do this type of project again.  I'm just hoping that they'll learn that words hold far greater power than they ever thought possible!  

I've added my persuasive speech unit to my TPT store!  You can check it out here: Click for Unit!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Teaching with The Twilight Zone

I'm going to be honest, one of my biggest challenges this year has been getting my freshmen interested in, well, anything.  It's a HUGE class and, as I've mentioned in previous posts, the combination of Honors, Regular, and ESL all in the same room is not always easy.  I've really struggled to find texts, stories, poetry, etc. that "fit" all levels.  

Another wonderful teacher on my hall has told me that she often shows her freshmen episodes of The Twilight Zone for Bell Work on Fridays.  I decided to give it a try and show my children an episode called, "The Howling Man."  

To my shock and COMPLETE DELIGHT my freshmen LOVED IT!  They were absolutely hooked from the first 30 seconds!  I seriously cannot believe I've waited this long to use this teaching tool.  I discovered that I can do SO MUCH with a single episode.  Even though the episodes are short, I can review many different literary elements/analysis skills in the 30 minutes I'm given.  

For "The Howling Man", I made a viewing guide that can be folded like a menu.  I asked my students to analyze things such as: how mood was created, symbols in the show, why certain phrases were continually repeated, how the director achieved his purpose, etc.  

100% of my students were truly engaged - from ESL to Honors, they all enjoyed it.  We even spent time at the end discussing ideas about the show - they had so many different theories!  The show also taught them a valuable lesson about how appearances can be deceiving.  They were shocked that evil could be cloaked in such beauty.  Of course this led into a discussion about theme and which elements refined the theme - which made my teacher heart so happy. :)  

I've now decided to use The Twilight Zone as a weekly treat for my freshmen.  They LOVE it and look forward to it.  The special effects are so bad they're good, and the knowledge they're reviewing and learning is actually staying with them.  There are SO many episodes that I've been able to find something that relates to every piece of literature or unit of study that we're completing - and, ADDED BONUS, THEY ARE ALL ON NETFLIX! 

I've added my viewing guide for, "The Howling Man" to my TPT store.  You can grab it for free! :)  Try this show with your children!

Grab the viewing guide for FREE here: Click!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Memoirs and Memories I'm Afraid to Share

I feel as if I should start out by letting you in on 2 secrets.  1. I've wanted to be a writer my entire life...actually, I hated every thought of being a teacher...until a certain person changed my attitude. 2. I've never shared my writing with the world before...because I'm semi-terrified.

BUT, because I'm requiring my students to step outside of their comfort zones, I figured I'd also step out of mine.  We've read two memoirs this semester, and EVERY semester I do a memoir project with my students.  I believe that most students are starved for personal narratives, so it's always something that they enjoy.  Let's be honest...who doesn't love talking about themselves? :)

After we read Memoirs of a Boy Soldier and Night, we complete a style analysis for both memoirs.  I select specific chapters and my students meticulously comb through the text to find how the author creates meaning through DITLS. (Diction, Imagery, Tone, Literary Elements, and Syntax) I tell my students that authors paint pictures with their words and we complete analysis activities like this in their interactive notebooks: 

Next, I spend a few days discussing the project + outlining the details.  I am the only one who will read their memoir, so I encourage my children to be honest and talk to me about an experience that changed them, continues to haunt them, or had a huge influence on them in some way.  

For the first time EVER, I decided to give my students a copy of the memoir I wrote.  I didn't tell them it was mine, but they instantly asked if I wrote it.  I thought it was kind of sweet that they were so kind and asked me questions about the experience.  I'm majorly stepping out of my comfort zone and posting my memoir here - for the world to see.  I've changed all names so that my student(s) will remain anonymous, but all information is 100% true.  
I am not who I’m supposed to be. I never thought that I would be tragically blessed with the ability to love the unlovable; a gift that I’m proud to hate. I wasn’t supposed to become entangled with a person who inspires and infuriates me, all in the same moment. I was not supposed to turn confusion into a career, and I certainly was not supposed to wait until 22 years of age to find out bad things actually happen to good people. I was naive, yet I was blessed to live blissfully unaware of a world that I was not ready for, and most people will never know about. I was too busy to experience a miracle, and now those wasted years only fester without decaying. It’s a raging virus that an antibiotic just won’t touch.  

I always believed that choices make a person who they are. Luck shouldn’t matter, and the choices of other people definitely shouldn’t matter. I was always nourished and comforted by the thought that our lives are completely left to our own intricate design process. I knew that hustle, drive, and perseverance were the first ingredients on the label, and failure was sometimes a step in the process. I thought that we made our own luck and anyone left out on the street, in prison, or just suffering from a lower-­than-­low socioeconomic status, was a victim of their own dumb design flaw. I thought that I could never accept those who didn’t accept the challenge to rise above adversity. Those who were drowning in the shallow end simply didn’t want to taste success, or, even worse, enjoyed their own apathy. I thought wrong.
I come from a great family and an even greater system of love. My mother and I metaphorically share the same veins of compassion, and I’m so much like my father that I can sometimes taste the same bitter pill of self loathing and fear of failure that he swallows every night. When I served faithfully, both academically and spiritually, at a Christian school for 13 years, I learned how to push myself and expect nothing less than excellence. I was accepted to my first choice for college, and found myself sitting uncomfortably in sophomore math, absolutely clueless as to what I was going to do with my life. I eventually combined my love to write with my mother's need for her child to, “get a useful degree” and found myself right in the heart of where I did not want to be: teaching.
Through a miserable, yet terribly addictive twist of fate, I was spit out into a student teaching experience that left me, for the first time, speechless. By the first day I had learned that sometimes people are not what you expect. Sometimes, we expect too much. Sometimes, who we are and what we experience has nothing to do with us. Mostly, I learned that I have to change to survive. And, most importantly, life has a way of making us spend one too many spins on the Merry­-Go-­Round. Just when it’s enjoyable, it’s suddenly not.
I couldn’t really decide if this, “inner ­city”, school left me exhilarated or exhausted. I was excited to teach tenth grade English, but, instead, I was met by an army of defiant suffering. How could I teach Julius Caesar to a group of children who had already accidentally penned their own unique tragedies? I could not believe the willingness of the children to surrender personal information and, sometimes incriminating, details. They were literally starving for affection. Silent screams filled the halls, and I was deafened.
After a while it became like a game to me. It’s the moment while playing Pac­Man and the ghosts are coming. Defeat is inevitable. But, I keep eating the dots, and searching for a moment to turn the ghosts into the different versions of themselves. The version that is conquerable. Hope continues until time runs out and the red electricity of “Game Over” floods the screen. I kept trying to find a magic connection, something that would bind me to these students who cared (understandably so) more about staying off the street or bailing their parent out of jail, than writing a poem. “Game Over” blinded me.
I found children who never had a parent. I found children who knew their parents chose to abandon them. I found children who had been horribly abused (both physically and mentally), neglected, beaten, or the worst...forgotten. I found children who were afraid to try and those who were afraid to fail, or fail again. I found children who were violent because of the violence they experienced in their own home or head. I found children who needed me. I found children that I needed.
The line quickly became blurred between who needed whom. Most of the time, they didn’t want help, but I kept giving it and they eventually learned to stomach it. But, there’s always one who shines. The white crayon that you never expect to need. He was the shiniest rusty penny I had ever found. He was the loudest, the funniest, and the most uncontrollable. He once wrote a paper that will forever be burned in my brain. It was titled, “My Koolaid Life.” His life could be sweet, but it was almost like someone forgot to add the sugar. He didn’t need any help identifying metaphors, he ​was​ a metaphor. His name was Brad.
Brad fed my insatiable hunger for stories. He stemmed from a confusing, weeping willow, of a family tree. It was the first time I was punched in the stomach by the fact that children don’t, and can’t, raise themselves. Although his life was a giant missing puzzle piece, he knew everything about everyone and loved to make us laugh. I had the particular joy of having him twice in a row during my student teaching experience. I could always count on him to be the first one in class and the last one to tell me goodbye. I never doubted his heart, and I prayed for a son just like him one day.
Perhaps the most valuable thing that I learned during my student teaching experience is that everything eventually has to end. There will always be a “last day” and there will always be a “last good time”. My last time came too quickly and I attempted to close the book and begin a new chapter at graduate school. I hated being a teacher. It wasn’t fun. It was hard, emotionally, when I saw children coming to school wrapped in blankets because their families couldn’t afford a coat. It was hard on my conscious when I went home to a warm meal when half my students saved things from their lunch tray so they could eat over the weekend. It was hard to see such powerful potential ruined by poor parenting. It was hard to see children who had never known a better life, expect so little out of themselves. I’ll never understand how such bad families can birth such good hearts.
As the school year ended and summer began, I spent three months trying to convince myself that I hated being a teacher. I also spent three months wondering about Brad. I tried to reach him through social media and I tried to reach him by phone. He was silent, and my world stopped. I wondered how I could care so much about a child that wasn’t even my own. Why did I care what he thought, did, or didn’t do? It was the pull of compassion that made my experience like a fresh tattoo on my right hand. A constant, scarred reminder of what I once had.
Out of spite, curiosity, and a stupid game of chance, I applied to teach at that same school where I had completed my practice teaching. By a miracle that I considered both bad luck and a sign from God, my amazing mentor teacher was switching schools after almost a decade...leaving the job wide open for me. I was terrified and tempted all at the same time. I was running back into the arms of tragedy. In a way, I was an addict of the worst kind. I was living off my constant need to love those who had been labeled as unlovable. I needed to be needed again. I needed to know what happened to the child that told me his life, invited me in, invented who I was, then cut the rope to which I clung.
Brad was the first one at my door my first day on the job. His silence was explained through a series of tearful confessions: multiple felony and misdemeanor charges. A summer of change for the both of us, apparently. I spent the next year and a half trying to control the damage. I shadowed over him at school, I meticulously kept up with him, I tried to be his mother. But, unfortunately, there’s no amount of “try” that can stop desperation. Almost two years and two more felonies later, I had to learn the hard way that I am too small to be a life preserver. I can’t help a boy who is anchored to disaster by the weight of his own heart.
I think that I am constantly “becoming” a teacher. Learning has, in a way, leapt upon me, crucified me, and left me with an exposed carcass of nothing but tortured memories I would love to forget. The problem with people, is that they don’t make themselves. They are made through circumstance, the love they are accidentally given, and the neglect they identify as love. I was wrong about what I knew. I was wrong about the lives I thought people chose for themselves. Being wrong was, and continues to be, painful. Once you know the truth, you can never forgive yourself for the lies you have always believed. A million is just a million, until you meet one.
Teachers won’t tell you that you’re wrong, because they wish they didn’t know. I wish that I didn’t know how many of my children are both mother and father to their younger siblings. I wish I didn’t know that mothers crush pills for their children. I wish I didn’t know that misery loves company, and no one is exempt. I wish I didn’t know that children break into houses, their hope of finding a full pantry outweighing the chance of prison. I wish I didn’t know that children live in their cars. I wish I didn’t know the silence of an omnipotent God as I lay in a puddle of my own tears and questions each night. I wish I wasn’t good at this job.
Today, I am learning one of the most valuable lessons a little too late. Love is not enough. When you never knew the owner of the sperm who made you, and your mother is a dead horse you hate to love beating, you really don’t have a chance. Today, as I see Brad’s face, behind bars, I see my own failure. I can’t help but wonder who he would be if he was my child. Who would he be if he could strain the real him out of the holes in his life? Who would he be if he had the chances that I had? The answer boomerangs: Who would I be without him?
I also give my students copies of memoirs written by previous students (with the names removed, of course + permission from those students.)  We then take time to color code (I LOVE TO COLOR CODE TO MAKE ELEMENTS POP OFF THE PAGE! It really works - I promise.  The students remember almost everything in color.)  We use this to label my memoir + another memoir of their choice. 

Our next step is creating a timeline and writing the first paragraph.  I give them this guide to making their 1st section hook readers:

They are working on their first paragraphs and timelines over the weekend, but I can't wait to read the stories that will come rolling in to me! It's a wonderful way for me to learn more about my students.  Sometimes it's very eye opening. This project always ends up bringing my students and I a little closer - which always makes for a better classroom environment!  

I'm working on compiling my memoir unit into a concise package.  I'll be posting it in my TPT store within the next week.

How do ya'll handle personal narratives in your classroom? With English II being so concentrated on literary analysis, it's sometimes hard to sneak in writing that can use the usually prohibited "I" or "me"!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rapping to Review

As the first nine weeks comes to a close, my children are in complete panic mode about 99% of everything.  My honors classes really don't have a reason to be worrying, but I guess that their 98.9 in English II could always be a 99. ;) So, in true honors style, they begged me for extra credit.  I'm not a huge fan of extra credit - I tend to prefer regular credit, BUT one of my children offered up such a wonderful idea that I couldn't say no.

My 1st period class asked if they could write and perform original songs that would review or discuss something that they've learned this 9 weeks.  I'm a fan of creative projects AND seeing my kids have fun & embarrass themselves on video. I just couldn't say no.  Of course I asked for permission before I posted(and seeing how all of their videos are on YouTube, all anyone in the world would have to do is search), and all of them were MORE THAN WILLING for me to share these with the world. 

Here are a couple of my favorite videos:

And here's another one:

The formatting of my other favorite was a little odd, so I couldn't get it to post. :( BUT If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely HATE cell phones in class.  Every teacher has something...and my something is the phone.  All of my children KNOW that if they instantly want to be on my "list", then take out the phone. It's one of those things that just thinking about it makes my skin crawl!  That being sad, but children did a parody of "Hotline Bling" where they changed the words to "She caught me on my cell phone, when I was supposed to be doing my work." They also mentioned my OCD about there not being any paper on the floor! haha! Here are their lyrics:
Catch me on my cellphone
When I was supposed to do my work(2x)
So I just threw the trash on the floor
Now I'm headed straight out the door(2x)

[Verse 1]
Ever since I been in class, you
Started tripping about trash on the floor
Told me I should recycle more
Now I'm ready to walk out the door
Ever since I left the class, you
Started giving quizzes when we didn't read
You sent me out when I wanted to eat
In ISS with kids I've never seen before

*brief intermission to get our lives together*

Catch me on my cellphone
When I was supposed to do my work(2x)
So I just threw the trash on the floor
Now I'm headed straight out the door(2x)

[Verse 2]
Ever since I been in class, you
You and me we finally get along
Told me I had bad grammar when I did it wrong
Now I don't dare use my cellphone
Ever since I been in class, you
You got exactly what you asked for
Running out pages in my notebook

My kids are the best and we had a great review day/viewing party today.  It also helps that half those songs got on our minds and we walked around singing about literary devices all day! ha! 

Happy end of the 1st nine weeks, ya'll! It's almost Thanksgiving Break.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Halloween in High School

     I absolutely love celebrating holidays and I don't think that you should stop the celebrations just because your students aren't in elementary school.  Let's be honest, who doesn't love a treat bag!?  

    As I prepare the treat bags, bake the cookies, make sure every eyeball is perfectly placed on the ghosts (Nutter Butter cookies), and stack spooky pencils on my shelf (all while watching Hocus Pocus), I thought I'd throw a sale on all of the Halloween products in my TPT store.  There's nothing better than celebrating my favorite holiday while sticking with the standards, too! ;)

From now until October 28th, enjoy 20% off all of the following products:

I usually spend time at the end of the week or at the end of the class each day doing short, spooky activities in the month of October.  This bundle includes all you need to do the same, OR to use for extra credit assignments (which I sometimes throw in, too!).  
Bundle Includes:
- Poe's "The Masque of The Red Death" full text
- Symbolism activity for the short story (7 deadly sins) - answer key included
- Creative Project "Prince Prospero's Playlist" to analyze imagery + mood
- Critical Thinking questions + answer key for "The Masque of The Red Death", students consider symbolism, reliability of narrator, theme, etc.
- Nonfiction article Scavenger Hunt on America's First Serial Killer 
- Research activity based on nonfiction article
- Spooky Square - a "magic square" with literary terms 
- Poetry Analysis activity: includes poem + thinking stems + illustration activity to enhance student understanding of symbolism, tone, and mood
- Pumpkin Project - an extra credit assignment where students are prompted to carve a pumpkin using their favorite author or story as inspiration. Rubric Included

My freshmen are working on writing narratives and creating their own stories from scratch.  They started this activity last week and loved it.  I compiled a list of great prompts that I've collected over the years and put them on printable cards for the students.  They were given short prompts or spooky photos to spark their imaginations.  
 Students are given an assignment sheet which details how they must compose a scary short story using literary elements and specific stylistic devices. They are then given a list of over 20 scary story starters or spooky photos to use for inspiration. 

Also includes cards to use when reading other stories from classmates. Students rank the other stories on spookiness and how well they like what they've read. 

If you're trying to get your students to think critically OR if you've just taught a unit on social commentary - this is the perfect film for you!  My students BEGGED me to watch more of this each day.  I've included over 30 questions for them to think about, BUT I only asked them to choose 10 to actually answer for credit.  I also included my presentation on social commentary & how I introduce it to my students.

I hope everyone has a spectacularly spooky week - and that your kids get all sugared up AFTER they leave your class. Fingers crossed hoping that nobody gives out sticky hands/bugs/ANYTHING this year! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lexile Levels, Freshmen Fun, and Independent novels!

My school recently invested in a reading program to pilot to a few classes.  I was lucky enough to be chosen to try the new program with two of my 10th grade classes and one 9th grade class.  Achieve 3000 tailors specific articles (chosen by the teacher from an AMAZING list) to every individual student.  The program starts by testing the students' lexile levels, and we receive a score report in less than 24 hours.  After the initial test, Achieve 3000 automatically sets each student's log in to their own individual lexile level.  Every student reads the same article, but every student will read a different level article.  Yes, the program actually changes each article to fit every student's learning style!  The students then have to answer multiple choice questions, thought questions, and complete graphic organizers.  They gain points for right answers and are even offered cool prizes if they are a top scorer. It's a great program that REALLY helps some of my struggling readers and pushes my veteran readers past their comfort zones.  You can learn more about the program here: Click!

I was also lucky enough to be chosen to teach a large class of 9th graders that contains honors, regular, and ESL children ALL IN THE SAME CLASS.  I've never faced a bigger challenge, but the students are GREAT and I really enjoy being their teacher.  I found that choosing novels and short stories is THE GREATEST CHALLENGE OF THEM ALL. When one group is confused, the other group is bored to tears.  Everyone is on a different level which makes it so much harder!  After I received my Achieve 3000 lexile level scores, I gained SO MUCH INSIGHT as to why certain children were struggling.  

This week, my fabulous media specialist, AMAZING assistant principal, and I, put together a game plan to really target specific learning goals and individual needs in this class.  I decided to survey my children and find out their reading interests, preferences, and history.  I used this form: 

Then, I took this information + my lexile scores and headed to our school library!  The media specialist helped me pull books that were appropriate for each child's reading level.  We chose books that would be high interest - we even found some graphic novels!  I put together a "book tasting" with silver trays from the dollar store and handmade genre signs. 

I placed one tray on each table.  The following day, I gave students a blank "menu" and explained the rules.  They were to get in groups of 5. I sent one group to each table and gave the class 5 minutes to look at books from that genre.  They could read the back, flip through the pages, check out the cover, and get a general "taste" for what the book was about.  I also had them to fill in their "menus" with their top favorites!  After 5 minutes, every group switched and went to a different genre.  The process repeated.  We talked about choosing a "good fit" book, so they also had to rank each one of their choices on how difficult they thought it would be for them to read.  Here's a sample of their menu: 

I was blown away by how much my class enjoyed this!  Here they are, enjoying their book tasting :) -

Everyone took it seriously and had a great time!  After we left the library, I sat down with all of their surveys and made individual colored coded cards.  Each color represents a different genre group (so we can have small group discussions).  

They checked out their books the following day and I was pleased to see that almost all of my students dove head first into their books! YAY!  We're currently creating individualized lap books from file folders.  I'll post more as we progress.

I now begin my class by teaching a reading strategy + a literary device.  They take notes and create foldables for their interactive notebooks.  Then, I give them 20-25 minutes to read their chosen books silently.  During this time I conference with small groups.  I use a specific form that I created that is GREAT for monitoring growth, and even for parent conferences!  The form looks like this: 

I'm anxious to continue with this process and see how my children grow.  I'll keep you posted and check back in shortly.  So far, my students like the individual conferencing because of the extra attention :).  It also holds them accountable!  They don't want to be the one who can't talk to me because they haven't read. Yikes!  

Have any of you tried an individual novel concept before? How did it go? Do you have any magic secrets that I need to know about?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Better Body Biography

I know we've all seen a million body biographies, BUT I still like the basic concept and wanted to be able to use the idea for my honors class. We recently finished MY FAVORITE book that we read all semester: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. It is AMAZING. Seriously, if you've never read it, buy it, read it, then go ahead and buy the class set. I believe in this book so much that I bought my own class set from A set of 30 books was less than $90! It is such a great site, and they even give teacher discounts on orders over 20 books. Just use the code APPLE to get your discount, too! 

 Because I like to differentiate (and partially because I'm slightly crazy when it comes to being original and not copying anyone's idea), I do separate projects for each one of my sections of Honors English II. My first period is super creative, so I wanted them to be able to utilize their artistic abilities whenever they analyzed the end of the book. I revamped the body biography and kicked it up a notch or 3 for their project. All I provided for my students was blank paper, crayons, and directions. They had to illustrate, create, and most importantly THINK for themselves about the overall intended effect of the author. I asked them to look at everything from symbolism in setting, to motifs that help develop the theme. Here's an exact list of what I asked them to do:

Here's a couple of my favorites:

They had to add specific details and textual evidence on the back of their separate parts.  They actually spent two days on this project, meticulously combing through the text, and talking with each other about what they enjoyed reading.  

I had my next period complete a "create your own book" project based on how violence (motivation, reaction, brutality) evolves throughout the memoir.  I'll talk about some of my favorites tomorrow! Here's a sample:

Since we've wrapped up the book, we're starting on my second favorite: Night! My freshmen are also have a great time reading...I let them choose their own books (yes, I must have had a moment of crazy, but I'm hoping they'll be mature enough to handle it).  What's everyone else reading?