Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I am seriously so thankful for my job. Every day, the first thing I do when I open my eyes, is thank God that I've been trusted with such a huge responsibility and that I'm continually shown such undeserving unconditional love.  My first year teaching, I started a project that I've continued every year since and I'll never stop doing.  

I asked my kids to participate in "Project Edification" the week of Thanksgiving.  I spend time talking to my children about all of the ways in which their teachers and principals care for them and unselfishly sacrifice for them.  Many students don't take the time to think about the ways the adults or "authority figures" in their lives truly have their best interest at heart and go above and beyond for them - often silently and behind-the-scenes.  

We spend some time talking about how to write thank you notes.  I truly believe that this is a lost art!  We tend to send a quick "thanks" text, or just make a phone call, yet we often fail to truly spend time appreciating the person who made us feel special.  

I provide my students with blank paper, crayons, and a sample Thank You note.  I also provide them a list of teacher and principal names to promote correct spelling.  They are each required to write one thank you note - but ALL of them always write 3-4.  They fold their notes and give them to me.  I take them all and deliver them to the appropriate teacher mailbox in the office.  I think this is a great way for my students to reflect on all the people who love them, AND it's a great way for teachers to truly feel loved and appreciated.  

I put together a quick thank you note guide + a color by literary element activity - when finished it's an owl dressed up like a Thanksgiving Turkey - and added the package to my TPT store.  You can check it out here:  CLICK HERE!

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